Monday, December 3, 2012

Even the Princess is Pregnant!

You know in all of my hormonal battles when faced with pregnancy announcements (and wanting to delete Facebook 42x a month) finding out today that Princess Kate was pregnant was a blessing.  Good for her!  Most of us who have faced the age old question over and over "So now that you're married when are you going to start having kids?" can NEVER relate to the number of times, speculations, etc that this poor woman has faced for the whole year she has been married.  I can't imagine being under the public eye and speculation of the ENTIRE WORLD.  Most mothers will tell you to take the time at the beginning of a marriage to enjoy each other and get to know one another before making that leap into parenthood.  How do you do that with paparazzi in your face asking what your lunch consists of?  How many times have we watched news reports questioning her water over champagne toast choices? 

We've all been there in that "glorious" 2 week wait trying to justify our own choices.  Do you take a drink knowing you could or could not be pregnant?  Do you just stop drinking all together long beforehand so people won't judge your every sip or try and count backwards and guess the very moment your sperm and egg met so they can throw it in your face that you were 2 almost 3 weeks pregnant (and maybe not even have happened if you ovulate late) and having a glass of wine?  The moral of the story is, quite frankly unless she's drinking herself into a black out or doing illegal drugs it's none of our business, but a matter between her (whether that be Princess Kate, myself, or you the reader) and her OB/GYN unless it's a problem requiring intervention that continues throughout the pregnancy.  Then I get to be the bad guy when they come over after giving birth and want to know why the baby is screaming angrily and won't sleep and sometimes just have to brutally honest.  That's a whole other topic for another day though! 


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